ChatGpt (GPT-3) parameter generator

This tool is to help you build and understand ChatGPT parameters.

Your prompt:

Dream me another planet

ChatGpt (GPT-3) Parameter Generator is a tool designed to help you easily generate the parameters needed to fine-tune and control the behaviour of the ChatGPT / GPT-3 language model. This tool simplifies the process of generating parameters by providing a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily select from a wide range of parameters such as “n,” “seed,” “prompt,” “length,” “temperature,” “top_p,” “top_k,” and “model_engine.”
ChatGpt (GPT-3) Parameter Generator is a valuable tool for anyone working with GPT-3 language model and wants to have more control over the generated output.

Model Engine: This parameter is used to specify which version of the model to use for the generation. It could be “text-davinci-002” or “text-curie-001” for example.

Length: This parameter is used to specify the length of the generated text. For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate a response of 100 words, you would set “length” to 100.

Prompt: This parameter is used to provide the model with a prompt or context to base its generation on. For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate a response to the prompt “What is your favorite color?”, you would set “prompt” to “What is your favorite color?”.

Seed: This parameter is used to set a seed value for the random number generator used by the model. This allows you to generate reproducible results by providing the same seed value each time.

Temperature: This parameter is used to control the level of randomness in the generated text. A higher temperature will result in more random and diverse responses, while a lower temperature will result in more conservative and predictable responses.

Number (Number of results): This parameter is often used to specify the number of results or items that should be generated or returned. For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate 5 responses, you would set “n” to 5.

Top_p: This parameter is used to control the proportion of the most likely next tokens to be considered when generating text.

Top_k: The “top_k” parameter is used to control the number of the most likely next tokens that the model will consider when generating text. It is an integer value that specifies how many tokens the model should consider at each step of the generation process.

For example, if you set “top_k” to 10, the model will only consider the top 10 most likely tokens at each step of the generation process. This can result in more conservative and predictable responses, as the model will only consider a limited number of options.

On the other hand, if you set “top_k” to 50, the model will consider the top 50 most likely tokens, which can result in more diverse and random responses.
