Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character
Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character prompt
a cartoon husky dog, concept art by Pixar
a cartoon husky dog, concept art by Pixar, cgsociety, character, furry art, white background

Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character prompt

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Prompt Details

This Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character prompt transports you into the enchanting world of Pixar-style cartoon characters. By replacing [subject] with your desired animal or character, Midjourney brings to life a delightful character with the signature charm of Pixar’s concept art. The character or the animal portrayal is inspired by the creative minds of Pixar and the artistic community at CGSociety, resulting in a character brimming with personality. The furry art style adds a touch of warmth and texture to the character’s appearance, bringing it to life with a whimsical flair. Set against a clean white background, the focus remains on the character, allowing its vibrant colours and expressive features to captivate your imagination. With this image prompt, you embark on a journey into creating Pixar Style Cartoon Characters.

Additional information


					a cartoon [subject, animal], concept art by Pixar, cgsociety, character, furry art, white background
a cartoon cat, concept art by Pixar
a cartoon cat, concept art by Pixar
					a cartoon dinosaur, concept art by Pixar, cgsociety, character, furry art, white background
a cartoon dinosaur, concept art by Pixar
a cartoon dinosaur, concept art by Pixar
Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character
Midjourney Pixar Style Cartoon Character prompt
a cartoon husky dog, concept art by Pixar
a cartoon husky dog, concept art by Pixar, cgsociety, character, furry art, white background
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